
Jesse is Headed to Palestine -- and he'll be blogging!

On July 17th Jesse Hagopian will be traveling to the West Bank of the Palestinian occupied territories. He is joining a delegation of African Americans led by the Interfaith Peace Builders (for more information about his delegation visit: http://www.ifpb.org/africanheritage/default.html). During his two week trip, Jesse will be meeting with activists on all sides of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, doing several home stays with Palestinian families in the West Bank, taking a tour of the apartheid wall, and visiting schools.

Jesse  will be providing regular updates on his travels through this blog -- so check back often and please help spread the word to all those fighting for Palestinian liberation!

Jesse will be reporting back on his experience in Seattle in early August. For more information on potential events or to request Jesse to come speak with your organization, please call 206-309-7274 or email info@seattleiso.org.