
7/20: Women's Liberation and Socialism & Organzing at UW

Please Note: We have shifted our summer meeting space to UW due to difficulty getting a room at SCCC.

Wed 7-9pm
UW Campus
Parrington Hall, Room 106

1) Women's Liberation and Socialism:
The most accurate way to judge a society, wrote Leon Trotsky, a leader of the 1917 Russian Revolution, is to look at the position of women. The day-to-day realities for the majority of working women in the U.S. today--lower wages, dwindling reproductive freedom, and discrimination and harassment on the job--reveal a society that doesn't measure up at all to that standard. We'll discuss the idea that the discrimination and oppression suffered by women lies in capitalism--and that socialism offers the hope of a new world of freedom.

Some readings:
Women's liberation and socialism
A woman's place is in the revolution
Engels and the origins of women's oppression
Women, work and the family today
Whatever happened to feminism?

And an audio recording of a fabulous talk from the Socialism conference: Raunch Culture and the New Sexism 

2) Assessment of the UW branch (60 min)
This summer both our branches (UW students and city branch) are meeting together. In this section UW comrades will present an assessment of how things went at UW this spring. Come be part of the discussion to assess both the strengths and weaknesses of the organizing and help make plans for a strong fall kick-off!