
9/28: Final Summer Study Series: Lenin & the Revolutionary Party

Wed 7-9pm
UW Campus
Parrington Hall, Room 106

In part two of our discussion we’ll explore the development of the Bolshevik Party in the years leading up to the 1917 Russian Revolution, specifically the period following the "dress rehearsal" revolution of 1905. If you have not yet read Building the Party by Tony Cliff you should begin with that. Folk's who have already read Cliff's book will read Lenin and the Revolutionary Party by Paul LeBlanc, or one of the other books listed under the supplementary reading.

WED September 28: Lenin & the Bolsheviks 1906-1914
Main Reading
Building the Party by Tony Cliff, Ch. 13-20
Lenin and the Revolutionary Party by Paul LeBlanc, Ch. 7-10

The Birth of Bolshevism by Paul D'Amato (ISR)

Supplementary Readings:
The Myth of Lenin's Elitism by Paul D'Amato (ISR)
What is Economism? by Duncan Hallas (ISR)