
11/18 NW Conference Assessment and Future Planning

Wed 11/18 7-9pm
UW School for Social Work Room B14 (corner of 15th N.E. and N.E. 41st)

Join us as we assess our recent Northwest Socialist Conference and begin brainstorming ideas for organizing into the spring! Come and bring your ideas about what the ISO can do on the UW campus and in Seattle.


11/14 Referendum 71 Victory Rally!

Come Celebrate A Victory for the LGBT Movement
Westlake Center

Saturday, November 14th, 12-1:30 pm


Thanks to the community for making history this election day. 31 states have tried to win marriage equality on the ballot and 31 states have lost. We became the first state in the country to put legal protections for same-sex couples and the ballot… AND WE WON. Now it’s time to celebrate our historic victory. 

We also mourn the loss of Question 1 in Maine 
and want to show solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Maine, as others around the country have shown solidarity with our victory here.

MC’d by Aleksa Manila; Featured speaker: Lt. Dan Choi. Also featuring Marsha Botzer, Eduardo Brambila, Josh Castle, members of the Approve 71 Campaign and LGBT couples whose rights we defended! 

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Come show your support and celebrate on Saturday, November 14 at 12:00 PM!

Sponsored by:
Seattle Gay News, UW Students Organizing for LGBT Equality (S.O.L.E.), Join the Impact, Pride at Work, Seattle Out Protest, International Socialist Organization Seattle, SU Triangle Club, Washington Marriage Alliance


11/13 Water & Justice in Israel/Palestine

The ISO is one of the sponsoring organizations for Friday's Event with Susan Koppelman

Water & Justice
in Israel/Palestine
Friday, November 13 6:00pm
Tompson 101, UW Seattle

Join us for a talk on Water in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, followed by Q&A.Palestinians are facing a water crisis due to Israeli policies. What are the UN, international NGOs and Palestinian authorities doing to uphold Palestinians’ human right to water?  What can we do? Susan will be discussing the worsening humanitarian situation, show two short documentaries, and discuss non-violent strategies to ensure respect for Palestinians’ fundamental human rights.

Susan Koppelman is a water rights advocate and a UW School of Social Work & Evans School graduate

Sponsored by:
ASUW | Campus Antiwar Network | Students for Justice in Palestine | Jewish voice for Peace | Palestine Solidarity | International Socialist Organization | Democracy Insurgent

Check out these Readings on Zionism, Israel, and the Palestinians from the International Socialist Review

The siege of Gaza
Hadas Thier 

Zionism: False Messiah
Lance Selfa 

The hidden history of Zionism
Annie Zirin 

Zionism and anti-semitism: Are Israel's critics anti-semites?
Hadas Thier 

Israel and the Nakba: Chronicle of dispossession
Paul D'Amato 

Planning the terror that created Israel
Mostafa Omar 

Israel: The Watchdog State
Lance Selfa

Israel: Colonial settler state
Phil Gasper 

The Watchdog bites
Phil Gasper 

The class character of Israel (reprint)
Moshe Machover 

Israel, the “lobby,” and the United States
Sherry Wolf 

Ariel Sharon, war criminal
Hadas Thier 

Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon
Hadas Thier 

Arafat's Legacy
Snehal Shingavi 

Israel, war, and the future of the Intifada: Two views from Palestine
Toufic Haddad and Tikva Honig-Parnass 

Lies, damn lies, and Israeli propanganda
Anthony Arnove and Paul D'Amato 

Walling in the Palestinians
Ida Audeh 

Israel: Gearing up for a new offensive?
Toufic Haddad 

Iraq, Palestine, and U.S. Imperialism
Toufic Haddad 

U.S. intervention in the Middle East: Blood for oil
Paul D'Amato 

End of the Road Map
Toufic Haddad 

Intifada from the Inside
Toufic Haddad 

The destruction of Lebanon: “Birthpangs of a new Middle East”
Toufic Haddad 

Crisis of the Palestinian national movement
Toufic Haddad 

The one-state solution
Dennis Kosuth

11/11: Malalai Joya on the US Occupation in Afghanistan

This Wednesday Join the ISO to Hear
Malalai Joya Speak About the US Occupation in Afghanistan
Wed Nov 11th at 7pm
Seattle First Baptist, 1111 Harvard Ave, Seattle

Instead of our normal Wed night meeting the ISO will attend Malalai Joya’s speaking tour stop, sponsored by Washington Peace Action. Join us for the talk & come out afterward for food & political discussion.

Malalai Joya is known around the world as a courageous opponent of the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan, the corrupt regime presided over by President Hamid Karzai--and the Taliban and other conservative Islamist forces battling U.S. and Afghan government troops. An uncompromising fighter for women's rights, Joya was elected to parliament in 2005, where she denounced the presence of representatives who she called "warlords" and "war criminals." In 2007, she was suspended on the grounds that she had "insulted" fellow members. An international solidarity campaign has rallied support for her. Joya has been the target of assassination attempts and must travel in Afghanistan with armed bodyguards, wearing a burqa as a disguise. She is speaking in Seattle on a US book tour for her new book, A Woman Among Warlords: The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Who Dared to Raise Her Voice.

Check out the

Interview with Malalai Joya: Why the U.S. has to go


NW Socialist Conference Nov 7-8 UW Seattle

2009 Northwest Socialist Conference

November 7-8

University of Washington, Seattle

for a full schedule, online registration and more!

Sponsored by International Socialist Organization Seattle and Portland branches,  Socialist Worker, Haymarket Books and the International Socialist Review

Capitalism isn't working. Socialism is the alternative—a world organized for human need, not profit, where resources are controlled by and for the vast majority, instead of by a tiny rich minority. Real change depends on struggle and action by our side.

The Northwest Socialist Conference is one of six regional socialist conferences nationwide that are dedicated to arming a new generation of rebels, activists and organizers with arguments and ideas for a revolutionary socialist alternative, learning our history of rebellion and resistance, and discussing strategies for building organization and winning struggles for real change.


Sherry Wolf

Participate in the LGBT Equality Rally with Sherry Wolf & Northwest LGBT activists, & discuss strategies for liberation at her Workshop on the new book Sexuality and Socialism.

Sherry Wolf is the author of Sexuality and Socialism (Haymarket 2009), associate editor of the International Socialist Review and a  National Equality March speaker and Steering Committee member. She is a leading member of the International Socialist Organization.

Workshop topics include:
How Can Socialism Liberate the Oppressed? • The Democrats: A Critical History • From Crash to Recovery? The Economic Crisis Today • Imperialism in the Obama Era • Sexuality and Socialism Why We Need a Revolutionary Party • Capitalism and the Ecological Crisis • Socialists and the Trade Union Movement • The Future Socialist Society • A People's History of Seattle • and much, much more!

Plus, Radical Book Fair featuring Haymarket Books!  Preview Haymarket Books' new and forecoming releases.  Haymarket Books has provided critical and timely theory, history and debate to the Left for over ten years.

Conference registration is $20-50 sliding scale, Pre-Register online at nwsocialistconference.org or at any ISO meeting or event.

For local information please contact nwconference@seattleiso.org or click seattleiso.org or portlandsocialists.org to connect with your local ISO branch.


11/4 Picket and Protest CIA Recruitment on Campus

Following up on demilitarization campaigns last Spring, FaDU, Democracy Insurgent, ISO, and Campus Anti-War network are supporting this picket of a CIA recruiting session on campus. The CIA is holding a recruitment session in Smith Hall (room 115) at 3:30pm on Nov. 4th in.  Let’s show up in force and let them know that undemocratic institutions like the CIA aren’t welcome on our campus!

Picket and Protest CIA
Recruitment on Campus:
Wed., November 4th, 3:15
Outside Smith Hall, UW campus

The CIA meeting was originally planned to be held on the 4th floor of Smith Hall, which is home to the Geography Department.  However, an outcry from Geography students and faculty got the meeting moved out of the department. But the CIA is still here!  Let’s keep up the pressure and get them out of our university altogether!  Join us for the protest! Some folks will be showing up in the Resource Center (sub-basement of the HUB, room 13) at 2:45 on Wednesday to make posters and signs.  Come along and help us out!

Why Protest?
The CIA has a long history of violently suppressing democratic movements throughout the developing world in an effort to expand U.S. empire. The CIA on campus and in departments creates real danger for those of us researching in the field, and for our 3rd World Colleagues.  We cannot contribute to these real and deadly risks to academics and people we work with, or to occupations and wars that indiscriminately kill civilians.

For More Info Contact:
Democracy Insurgent d.insurg@gmail.com
For a Democratic University faduni@gmail.com
International Socialist Org. isouw@uw.edu
Campus Antiwar Network uwcan@uw.edu

11/4 Organizing meeting

Join us for our last organizing meeting before the NW Conference
We will go over last minute details and logistics for this weekend's NW Socialist Conference

WED 11/4 7-8:30 pm -- room B14 of the School for Social Work at UW