
3/17 Report from the ISO National Convention

Report from the ISO National Convention
Wed, March 17, 7pm
Room B14
UW School of Social Work
(4101 15th Ave NE)
Is the economic crisis over or will it get worse? Is the US no longer the world's sole super power? Why have Obama and the democrats done almost nothing to benefit working people in their first year? Are more Americans open to socialist ideas now or has the right made a comeback? What is the state of the LGBT rights, anti-budget cuts, labor, antiwar and other movements? How can we win real change and what is the role of socialists in making it happen?
These questions and many more were addressed last weekend at the National Convention of the International Socialist Organizaiton. Every year members of the ISO from Seattle and across the country hold a month-long discussion period and elect delegates to the convention to discuss the state of the world and prospects for socialist organizing in the coming months and years. Join us to hear this exciting report back and talk about how it applies to what's happening here in Seattle.