
Study Group: Black Liberation and Socialism

Thursdays before City branch meetings
SCCC Room 4135

RSVP on facebook

*On Thursday, Dec 8, the study group will begin at 6:30PM

This is a history that you probably didn't learn in high school. This weekly round table analyzes the material roots of racism, as well as the successes and failures of movements against racism. This includes the struggles in which black and white workers united together.

How do we bring the interrelations of race and class in the United States to the forefront? Let’s discuss the relationship between anti-racist struggle, and the fight for a liberated future for us all.

Reading the book Black Liberation and Socialism is encouraged but not necessary for discussion. Topics include, but are not limited to: Slavery in the United States, Abolitionism, The Civil War and Reconstruction, and Populism.

Facilitated by Jesse Hagopian, Seattle ISO member and Garfield history teacher