
2/24: Obama's War Plan in Afghanistan

1. Obama's War Plan in Afghanistan
Wed, Feb 24, 7pm, UW School of Social Work room B14

Join us for a discussion about the US occupation in Afghanistan. We will be analyzing the current offensive on Marja and the capture of a Taliban leader in Pakistan in the larger context of US imperial strategy in the Middle East and Central Asia. Why is Obama escalating the war, is his strategy different from Bush, and what will it take to end the occupation? Discuss these and other pressing questions!

Recommended reading:
Manufacturing a 'victory' in Afghanistan
Editorial: Meet the new boss
Afghanistan: Sinking Deeper

2. Committee Meetings
In part two of our meeting we'll break into Committees -- Education, Outreach, Anti Budget Cuts Organizing, LGBT Rights Organizing, and Seattle Teachers Union Organizing. After 35 minutes to meet, each Committee will report back to the group for 5 mins.