
5/23 & 24: Revolution in the Air: Build the Socialist Movement

Two events in May:

Monday, May 23, 7pm 
University of Washington Seattle Campus, Smith Hall 105 
RSVP on facebook

Tuesday, May 24, 7pm
Seattle Central Community College, Room 4115
RSVP on Facebook

Epic revolutions are spreading throughout North Africa and the Middle East and have shown that masses of ordinary people can take control of their own lives. The heroic struggle of theworkers of Wisconsin to defend their unions has inspired people across the country to fight back.

We need an alternative to the current system of austerity, war and profiteering - an alternative based on the needs of working people not Wall Street. Come to this forum and get involved inthe socialist movement!


Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor is a doctoral candidate in the department of African American Studies at Northwestern University. Her research looks at the struggles and campaigns of African Americans against housing discrimination and redlining in the late 1960s in Chicago. She wrote an award winning paper based on her initial research on Blacks and housing discrimination called, "The Race Tax: Black Chicago's Fight for Homeownership." 

She is active in local housing struggles in Chicago and is an organizer with the Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign. Taylor has had several articles published on racism in the United States for publications like CounterPunch, The Black Commentator, Black Agenda Report, Gaper's Block, New Politics and the International Socialist Review among others. She is on the editorial board of the International Socialist Review.

Below is a fabulous video of Keeanga speaking last year on "The Black Power Revolt of the 1960's"

Black Power Revolt of the 1960's - Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor from RedReel on Vimeo.