
5/11 City Branch meeting

Wed 5/11 7pm
SCCC room 4115

1. The Impact of Osama Bin Laden's Assasination on National and International Politics 
40 mins

This week we'll have a discussion on the impact that Bin Laden's assassination has had on International and National politics. Check out the below Socialist Worker articles:

Cheering for war and empire
Assassination nation
Learning to love torture
The Exploitation of Nine Eleven

Re-legitimizing U.S. militarism

2. Organizing - 50 mins
In two weeks we will be hosting a stop on the national ISO speaking tour "Revolution in the Air Build the Socialist Movmeent" featuring Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor. Keeanga is a frequent contributor to Socialist Worker, the International Socialist Review, and a fantastic speaker. We need to plan out our  game plan and publicity/prmotion for the event. We'll discuss as a group what we hope to get out of the meeting and then we'll break up into smaller working groups and discuss a game plan, nuts and bolts, of promoting the meeting.  Join us to help make this meeting a success