
Wed 3/30 UW & City Meeting Agendas

Hi all,
Both the UW and City branches will be meeting at UW this wed (while the city branch continues to explore options for a more permanent meeting space off the UW campus)
UW Branch: 7-9pm Suzzllo Cafe
City Branch: 7-9pm Savery Hall room 157

Both groups will discuss Libya and the antiwar movement and then get down to organizing --  When and where will we be meeting moving forward, who wants to take on which responsibilities and roles in the branch, what types of activism do we want to get involved in and what areas of movement work are we involved in and what is the extent of our commitment? Which should be priorities?  Come get involved and help shape our work as we move into the spring!

Libya and the antiwar movement
Literally on the exact 8 year anniversary of the Iraq war  and it'll be 10 years in Afghanistan this fall!) our government began raining bombs on Libya. Many well-intentioned people believe the US response to be in support of the democratic movement in Libya -- but a look at the history of so-called "humanitarian" interventions, not to mention the US' contradictory posture towards "friendly" dictators in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, suggests otherwise. Let's discuss the latest in Libya and what this means for the antiwar movement locally and nationally. 
Read more on Socialistworker.org

The imperialist scramble for Libya