
Crisis Pregnancy Center Speakout and Rally

Saturday, March 26
The Former Life Choices Pregnancy Center

Join the Seattle Clinic Defense network in front of the now-closed Life Choices Pregnancy Clinic, located at 4719 University Way in the University District, as we protest the deceptive practices of crisis pregnancy centers and in support of greater regulation of these pseudo-medical clinics.

We invite people to bring their stories of crisis pregnancy centers, their experience with abortion and reasons that comprehensive reproductive care is important to them. We will have an open mic for people to share their experiences. 

Crisis pregnancy centers bully, lie and intimidate women out of receiving abortions. They masquerade as medical clinics but operate as unregulated centers funded and run by religious organizations opposed to both abortion and contraception. We support regulations of these centers similar to regulation recently passed in New York State that require these centers to list which services they do and do not provide, whether they have any trained medical professionals on staff and adhere to the same confidentially standards as real medical clinics.

As a wave of anti-abortion bills sweep the country, most notably the law signed in South Dakota that requires women to visit a crisis pregnancy center before receiving an abortion, the need to stand up for safe, confidential, medically-accurate and comprehensive reproductive care is more urgent than ever!

For more information on the deceptive practices of crisis pregnancy centers please visit cpcwatch.org. 

Bring your signs and friends!

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